Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing 15

From Helene Blowers: the aim is "to continuosly improve library services and make them more user centric". I agree with this wholeheartedly.

From YouTube
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us
Web 2.0 is people - people sharing. I tried to paste the link for this video into this post, coz I am sure I will want to view it again in the future.... but it is past my bedtime and I can't seem to hit the right button at the moment.....
Anyway. This video is good. We do need to rethink how we operate as individuals, as a service to the public, and as a community.... and yet, I can't help but think about the millions of people that do not have access to electricity and safe water - will this divide the world even further? We have a responsibility to ensure access to these tools grows across all demographics and continents, rather than becoming elitist.

14 still

11,584 results for learning 2.0 in posts
863 blogs about learning 2.0
682 posts tagged library 2.0

Ok - another thing to explore! I am beginning to see how people can spend their lives online.....

It's a pity that I couldn't get the video to work.

Number 14 Technorati

I love Technorati already - and I haven't even started the exercise! I just found a picture of a friend I haven't seen for at least 5 years!!!!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thing 13 still

Well.... I am still exploring (after a break this afternoon). It's excellent! Have told 2 people about it today - and even given 1 a demo :-)

Thing 13

Am working my way through Us.ef.ul and have to add this:

I know there are many, many things out there like this - how do people have the time to create this?
This has amazing potential. It would make it much easier going from computer to computer - or from home to work! Need to spend a day on this, merging all of my bookmarks. Trying to work out how I can quickly move all of my old "favourites" over to in one move. Is it possible?????

Thing 12

I think that once an individual search was set up it would save heaps of time. You are refining your search before you search. I need more time to explore this! I did play with the "Free photos" and found the image above! Bugger..... can't see it!

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Thing 11

Have had fun with Library Thing, but am disappointed that it does not contain any of the 4 recent Aussie titles (childrens', non-fiction and adult fiction) that I have read!
Would be excellent for some book groups!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Thing #10

Ok... that's it. I'm hooked for the rest of the day now that I have found

Don't know if I will get anything else done.........

Must escape from

Things #8 & #9

Have been putting off exploring RSS feeds as have heard it is the hardest..... have just realised that Bloglines is a reader.... I have had a Bloglines account for 2 months now..... Hee hee hee....
I found the YouTube clip below very straightforward.

RSS in Plain English: was my favourite of the feeds suggested. There is so much to explore! I have spent a least an hour on these 2 exercises, and I feel like I have barely started!!!!!!