Saturday, October 27, 2007

#7 Thoughts on Technology

Ok, so we're exploring heaps of things during these 12 weeks. They are all new and I haven't mastered any of them yet... but nothing has blown me away like texting has in recent years.
I find it incredible that you can use your mobile phone to text a message that can be received on the otherside of the planet in an instant... at very little cost! Remember the days when it cost $2 a minute to ring England? You got all excited before the call.. you sent a letter 2 weeks before so they knew you were calling and they would arrange to be home.... then you timed the call while you spoke coz $20 for 10 minutes was VERY expensive... now... just send a text!

Another trading card

I couldn't resist this Trading Card!
And I mean that in the nicest possible way.....

Finally... Thing #6

Ok, now I've explored Flickr postcard browser, which is fun - but I couldn't work out how to save anything I liked using that tool.... So, I moved on to the Palette Generator which was very interesting. I can see how useful this kind of thing could be. Next, I tried the trading cards and will hopefully be able to attach my creation..... here goes.....

Oh my God - I did it!!! That was much easier than creating the image in the first place!!!